The restless spirits long to guide

The Balance of Power

The balance of heaven and hell and the fine line between them. Everything is give and take, him and her, ebb and flow, so we must be ever mindful of the direction in which things go.

While naked kings sit on the thrones,
Their forefathers' wars carry on,
Prayers sound right for savours to come,
The left cowers as all comes undone,
Castles will crumble before long,
The weak traverse graves of the strong,
Bare your cross and keep a keen watch,
Never dawns time when all is lost,

Heaven's of our making,
Hell's all we've forsaken,

Demons awake when we awaken them,
Reaping the fruits of stronger men,
Drugged up by divine doting mums,
Ever smiling the state looks on,
Ever willing to slaughter sons,
Fathers are left wanting for guns,
Built up and then knocked down again,
Roll up, for the doors are open,

Heaven's each step made right,
Hell is wrongs that have bite,

Grand built up false realities,
Lords want the poor to not have peace,
Even they with most noble aims,
Die before sons carry on names,
When mob rule has hold of the earth,
Chaos reigns till forces disperse,
Oh how the left has lost its way,
Pawns of machiavellian play,

Heaven's to all's destined,
Hell's wilful neglection,

Give welcome to the hand that feeds,
There to bite when it fetters needs,
See yourself in others who speak,
Therein lies great demons that sleep,
The wise get trampled by the weak,
Words don't make up for noble deeds,
Nothing worth having comes with ease,
You and the gods, nought in-between,

Heaven spurs great striving,
Hell is born of failings.

October 27, 2021